Dictyosphaeria cavernosa

A rigid, highly variable green macro algae that grows in depths of from 2-30 feet. It features lightly calcified, rounded, stiff, irregular shaped lobes that have a distinct pattern of intricate veins when examined closely. Its found attached to rocks and rubble in fairly shallow habitats sometimes very close to the shore. Most collected specimens are usually only a few inches in diameter as it can be difficult to extract from the substrate. It can grow in very large clumps when abundant. Dictyosphaeria is considered invasive on some reefs as it out competes coral and other algae species. Its a fairly hardy specimen in the marine aquarium but can take over the rock work like species of valonia can is often eaten by some fish and invertebrates. 

Anadyomene Cavernosa

Anadyomene Cavernosa

Aquarium Care Information

Scientific Name: Dictyosphaeria cavernosa

Common Name: Rigid Sea Lettuce

Origin: Gulf of Mexico, Atlantic, Caribbean

Depth Collected: 2-100 Feet

Maximum Height : 10"

Growth Rate: Slow

Light: Moderate

Temperature: 78-86

Propagation: Fragmentation, sporulation

Difficulty: Moderate

Food Value: Palatable to some fish 

Nutrient Uptake: Poor

Flow Rate: Moderate 

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