Halophila ovalis

Halophila ovalis is a beautiful species of sea grass native to Asia and the South Pacific. It is commonly referred to a spoon grass or paddle weed. The plants grow from a single rhizome and prefer shallow, calm protected habitats but can be found as deep as 80 feet. Individual leaves grow to about 4" with a rhizome of up to 2 ft long. Species of Halophila can tolerate a large range of salinities from salt to moderately brackish. This particular species is not usually available to the aquarium trade in the United States, as it is an endangered plant, but is offered by some tropical fish exporters (mainly in the Philippines). Most species of Halophila prefer very organic, soft sand or mud bottom habitats. They are fairly easy to care for in the aquarium, as the root system is shallow, so can even be added to a well equipped refugium. As with all sea grass species, they prefer organic nutrients derived from the sand bed, so will do best in a properly "aged" sand bed. 


Aquarium Care Information

Scientific Name: Halophila ovalis

Common Name: Spoon Grass

Origin: Indonesia, S. Pacific

Depth Collected: 1-80 Feet

Maximum Height : 5"

Growth Rate: Moderate

Light: High

Temperature: 72-86

Propagation: Rhizomes, Seeds

Difficulty: Moderate

Food Value: Not Palatable

Nutrient Uptake: Good once established

Flow Rate: Low to Moderate

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