Cryptonemia crenulata

Cryptonemia crenulata is an encrusting macro algae that is commonly found throughout the Caribbean. It's typically found attached to both living and dead gorgonians but can also be observed on the reef and under ledges attached to substrate, sponge and other coral. This species features irregularly shaped, long serrated blades that are firmly attached to it's host. The coloration varies between red to orange depending on the depth collected. In the aquarium individual plants can be divided to create small specimens that tend to grow tall and wide. It's quite hardy because of its slow growth so is very undemanding. It does require good water circulation, but low light environments are fine with this species.

Aquarium Care Information

Scientific Name: Cryptonemia crenulata

Common Name: None

Origin: Caribbean, Atlantic

Maximum Height : 5"

Growth Rate: Slow

Light: Low

Temperature: 78-84

Propagation: Fragmentation, Sporulation

Difficulty: Easy

Food Value: Not Palatable

Nutrient Uptake: Poor

Flow Rate: Moderate to High

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