lagoon is a body of salt or brackish water that's separated from the deeper ocean by a shallow or exposed
barrier island, barrier reef, atoll or similar feature. It
refers to the back reef habitat where marine plants and
organisms are protected from heavy surf and strong ocean
currents. The lagoon habitat features soft corals, sponges,
gorgonians, anemones, feather worms, various patches of
macro algae, juvenile fish and invertebrates. For those that
have experienced this environment firsthand, it is difficult
to describe the variety and abundance of life that resides
there. Some varieties of angelfish, such as the gray and
blue angel fish, spend their time as juveniles in these
protected shallow waters, feeding on algae, sponge and small
algae often dominate this environment, including species of
Halimeda, Caulerpa, Codium, Neomeris, Padina and Sargassum, as well as other green
algae. The habitat is mostly sand and hard bottom, with sporadic growth on small outcroppings of
limestone or calcium coralline encrusted rock. Depths here
are fairly shallow, ranging from 5 to 30 feet and provide both calm and
moderately turbulent waters. Long, shallow
tanks are best for this type of biotope, but almost any aquarium
will work, if attention is placed on the rock work. Live rock should be used sparingly,
just enough
for filtration, to form miniature islands, where marine
plants and other photosynthetic invertebrates can attach and
grow. When planning any biotope or aquascape, it's important to have
some inspiration from nature, as the overall effect will
often be
more aesthetically pleasing. This
planted lagoon style (pictured below) aquarium is only
10" deep and is dominated by the species Caulerpa
mexicana. Notice the lack of
height to the rock work, which is very typical of shallow
water lagoon
environments. The picture below
is the inspiration for the natural aquascape above. Notice the
extensive growth of macro algae, in this case various species
of Halimeda.